What’s It and Why You Should Try It


Reverse Dieting

Calorie reduction tends to slow metabolism in the long run. The goal is to extend your weight and, in turn, your metabolism. That way, after you eventually stop dieting and regain the lost weight, you’re increasing your metabolism always rather than slowing it down.

Reverse dieting is precisely what it appears like a tested strategy to speed up your metabolism and assist with hormone balance. you may believe that if someone professes to get on a diet, they’re reducing calories and gradually decreasing their food intake. On a reverse diet, you gradually increase while doing the precise opposite.

How it works?

When you cut calories, your metabolism slows, and your body weight decreases as well.

Your macros are protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Identify your goal.

Add calories. Now you recognize your goal and timeline, so start by slowly adding calories to your carbs and fat every five to seven days. you’ll go a bit higher if you wish to urge there faster. Track your progress. If you discover that you’re gaining weight a bit too fast for your liking, then either don’t increase your macros for the subsequent week or take it back a notch

Could you truly eat more while losing weight? The response is a comprehensible yes in reverse dieting. Reverse dieting may be a simple and apparent approach for those that are attempting to turn but are on diet for a minimum of six months with disappointing results.

A reverse diet involves starting where you’re, gradually (i.e., gradually, and in keeping with a plan), increasing your calories, balancing your macronutrients, and adding weight training to satisfy your increased calorie intake.

How Should I Start Reverse Dieting? 

Identify your goal

Determine how quickly you would like to extend your calories. Add calories. 

Now you recognize your goal and timeline, start by slowly adding extra calories in small increments while keeping a watch on weight loss or gains.

Slowly adding them in overtime or follow the reverse dieting protocol we recommend below which could be a set of calorie-restriction rules that we discover effective when reversing weight loss diets too rapidly or losing quite 10% of body mass while maintaining definition without muscle loss: 

1) Reduce calories by 25%.

2) Restore carbohydrates at a rate of 30%.

Calculate calories

Calculate the upkeep calories and macronutrient targets you would like to hit to keep up your current weight. Your macros are protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

If you haven’t been tracking your macronutrients or a minimum of your calories, you will have to do so before attempting reverse dieting!

Better hydration ends up in better hormone function, better performance, better sleep, and better health. It’s possible that reverse dieting will lead to weight loss if done properly.


After finishing a calorie-restrictive diet, reverse dieting simply enables you to gradually add calories back into your diet while preventing you from gaining back whatever weight you may have lost.

This article will discuss the success of reverse dieting and how to get started. You may regain control of your weight by modifying your diet and eating habits. Reverse dieting is a simple procedure. It should be simple to get started on your weight reduction journey with clear steps that everyone can follow.

There are two ways to live a longer, healthier life, which is the first thing to grasp. There are two paths: traditional nutrition and lifestyle and reverse dieting. 

The main difference between conventional nutrition and reverse dieting is that, while the latter gives you a free pass on forbidden foods (that you ate in excess in the past), its proponents argue that because they no longer have access to those foods, they will not overeat them again, resulting in weight loss or maintenance.

Contrarily, traditional nutrition advises that you should continue to follow a balanced diet and stay away from those off-limits foods.


Achieve the identical macro goals for a minimum of per week with no binge days.

Protein Intake

Ensure you’re eating enough protein – 0.8g/pound LEAN body mass to 1.2g/pound LEAN body mass for girls and 0.9g/pound LEAN body mass to 1.5g/pound LEAN body mass for males.

Lean is under stress for a reason. If you weigh 300 pounds and have 50% body fat, you ought to consume roughly 150g of protein per day, not 300g.

If your protein consumption is below recommended, don’t raise it all directly. Instead, increase overall daily calorie intake by 10-15% week after week.

Keep A Track 

Double-check that you just are accurately and consistently recording your food consumption. it’s typical for people to skip tracking meals they bear in mind to be “bad” or not on their diet, as if skipping the meal somehow invalidates its contribution to their daily macro targets.

This untracked “poor” meal or day might become an impediment to your fat reduction objectives over time.

Before proceeding with reverse dieting, address any tracking anomalies.


Maintain consistency in your workouts. Reverse dieting will always work, but it’ll work way more successfully and accurately if you’re persistent and log your efforts. That also implies weight training instead of cardio.

Determine A Start and Finish Date

The recommended duration of a reverse diet is eight weeks, with a maximum of twenty-four. If all criteria are followed and meal choices are largely whole foods, the longer you reverse, the quicker your metabolism will become. Don’t reverse for four weeks, then stop. Keep going. Slow and methodical are two various things.

Reverse Dieting Is For

If you have been on a diet for over 16 weeks, have reached a stalemate, or are having issues along with your health or hormones thanks to undereating and overworking out, or if you’re a lively exerciser, you’ll also enjoy this.

Reverse dieting works well for people who are aware that they need to be on a calorie-restricted diet.

That implies that you simply are keeping a food journal and your results have decreased steadily as you have got tracked your intake.

Bodybuilders, boxers, and professional athletes should use reverse dieting.

Bodybuilders and athletes follow a rigorous diet before the competition to achieve those extremely sculpted abs. The disadvantage of these diets is that they slow down their metabolism.

These individuals put on as much muscle as they can during the off-season because doing so would be impossible when adhering to a low-calorie diet. They consume a lot during this period, which increases their metabolism without causing them to gain weight.

It is also advised that those with depression, anxiety, renal problems, or a history of eating disorders avoid this eating strategy.

Benefits Of Diet

  • You will have fewer health problems or setbacks, such as high blood pressure, high triglycerides, blood sugar imbalance, high cholesterol, glucose tolerance or intolerance, risk of heart disease, the danger of stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and macular degeneration.
  • You will experience less tension.
  • A healthy lifestyle decreases physical as well as emotional stress. 
  • You will be in a better mood.
  • Whenever you are on a weighing scale you see weight decreasing.
  • Improved physique.
  • Fit into all your old clothes now. 
  • You will realize that confidence is about you, not your body, and you will deal with any remaining body-image concerns you may have.

How To Shed Pounds Without Strict Dieting

Since rigorous or low-calorie diets should be avoided in the first place, reverse dieting is not essential. While some people may experience weight reduction on a low-calorie diet, others may have vitamin deficiencies, irritability, moodiness or sadness, exhaustion, and obsessive concerns about food and weight.

Furthermore, standard weight management methods that emphasize calories in and calories out are no longer effective. Substituting processed meals with whole foods increases post-meal calorie burning.

Therefore, even without focusing on calories, replacing something like a dessert or sugary cereal with oatmeal with berries and nuts in the morning can help with weight reduction. This is one of the reasons why adding more veggies to your diet, increasing your fiber intake, and changing the way you eat can all help you lose weight without going on a strict diet.

Body Mechanism 

Hormone levels fluctuate. To enhance hunger and encourage you to eat more, the body produces or suppresses numerous hormones (e.g., ghrelin, insulin, leptin, peptide YY).

Resting metabolic rate decrease (RMR). To keep you alive, your body will concentrate its energy on important organs. Less energy is used for “non-essential” processes like the development of hair and nails.

Exercise activity thermogenesis decreases (EAT). You could experience a noticeable drop in performance or feel as though you don’t have as much energy to exercise, which will result in you burning fewer calories than usual.

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis decreases (NEAT). Any energy consumed for daily activities, such as strolling, twitching, and general movement, is included in NEAT.

Digestion is slowed down. To absorb as many calories and nutrients as possible when calories are restricted, the body may slow down digestion. Additionally, when less food is consumed, the thermic effect of food (TEF) diminishes.

According to studies, metabolic adaptation is probably not permanent, and as your caloric intake rises, your metabolism might progressively increase. An overload of calories is regarded to be the main cause of weight gain following a diet.

Reverse dieting is useful in these circumstances. You may help your body restore its metabolic rate, better control your hunger levels, and possibly prevent fast weight gain by gradually increasing your calorie intake moderately and deliberately.

Leptin Hormone

According to research, increasing your caloric intake can aid in raising your metabolism, which will then cause you to burn more calories through thermogenesis during non-exercise activities. Consequently, your body will continue to burn calories even if you travel, wander around, or converse with a buddy.

The body’s hormones, particularly leptin, which is linked to weight reduction, have been assisted to control by reverse dieting. Leptin, which is generated by your body’s fat cells, is thought to be less sensitive to reduced calorie consumption. As a result, you experience constant hunger and wind-up gaining weight rather than reducing it when your leptin levels decline.

Although this is an excellent approach to boost your weight reduction efforts, medical professionals advise that it not be used for longer than 10 weeks. Reverse dieting can help you lose weight quickly by revving up your metabolism.

When to prevent reverse dieting

Ultimately, it is up to you and your objectives to decide when to quit. Some people move on from this phase after they reach their target weight or when they start to look a little chunkier after switching to a proactive maintenance calorie diet. Others may extend this process for as long because it takes them to realize visible abs or perhaps more.

If you haven’t been doing any reverse dieting and begin adding ~300 calories so track progress, you ought to see that the load starts popping up. Usually, it’ll be only water, so don’t panic. Stay calm and head off your calories again by casting off some carbs or fat (or both).


Among the most recent diet fads is reverse dieting. Bodybuilders and boxers frequently follow this diet regimen. It’s an excellent technique to enhance energy, boost metabolism, and reduce weight. Long-term dietary restrictions cause your body to save energy, which causes your basal metabolic rate to decrease.

If you are concerned with food or your weight, feel guilty about your food choices, participate in restrictive diets on a regular basis, or dread weight (re)gain, consider seeking help. These actions may suggest an eating disorder or a disturbed relationship with food.

No matter one’s gender identity, race, age, social background, or other identities, eating disorders and disordered eating may impact anybody.

They can be induced by a wide range of biological, socioeconomic, societal, and environmental variables, not only food culture exposure.

Increasing your calorie intake, as indicated in reverse dieting, provides your body with the boost it requires to begin burning more calories again. If it works this way, you may go back to your former calorie consumption without regaining the weight you lost.

People with depression, anxiety, renal problems, or a history of eating disorders should avoid this eating strategy.

If you’re having trouble, feel free to consult with a competent healthcare expert, such as a certified dietitian.


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