Foods to Avoid with Diverticulitis


Diverticulitis is a digestive disorder that affects the colon and can cause discomfort, pain, and inflammation. It occurs when small pockets, called diverticula, form in the intestinal lining and become infected or inflamed. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all diet for managing diverticulitis, certain foods have been known to trigger symptoms and exacerbate the condition. In this blog post, we will explore the foods to avoid when dealing with diverticulitis, enabling you to make informed dietary choices for optimal gut health.


Sesame seeds

Nuts and seeds, such as peanuts, almonds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds, are often restricted for individuals with diverticulitis. These small, hard particles can become lodged in the diverticula, causing irritation, inflammation, and potentially leading to a flare-up. While they may be nutritious, it’s best to avoid consuming them during active diverticulitis episodes.

When it comes to avoiding nuts and seeds for individuals with diverticulitis, it’s important to be mindful of the specific varieties that can potentially cause irritation and inflammation in the diverticula.


Here are some examples of nuts and seeds that you need to be mindful of:

  1. Peanuts: Peanuts are a common allergen and can be challenging to digest due to their high fat content. They also have a rough texture that can get lodged in the diverticula, leading to discomfort.
  2. Almonds: Almonds are another nut that should be avoided during diverticulitis flare-ups. They are dense and crunchy, making them difficult to break down and potentially causing irritation in the diverticula.
  3. Sesame Seeds: These small, hard seeds are commonly used in various dishes and can be found in condiments like tahini and sesame oil. Their tiny size makes them prone to getting trapped in the diverticula, triggering inflammation.
  4. Sunflower Seeds: Sunflower seeds are a popular snack and salad topper. However, their tough outer shells can be problematic for individuals with diverticulitis, as they can irritate the intestinal lining and worsen symptoms.
  5. Chia Seeds: Chia seeds have gained popularity for their nutritional benefits, but their ability to absorb liquid and expand in the digestive system can be problematic for those with diverticulitis. The increased volume can put additional pressure on the diverticula and lead to discomfort.


It’s important to note that while avoiding nuts and seeds during diverticulitis flare-ups is generally recommended, some individuals may be able to tolerate small amounts or specific types. Always consult with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

During periods of remission or when diverticulitis symptoms are under control, you may be able to reintroduce nuts and seeds in moderation. However, it’s still advisable to opt for finely ground or smooth nut and seed butters, as they have a lower risk of causing irritation and are easier to digest.


popcorn in a white bowl on grey table with few popcorn beside bowl.

Popcorn is a popular snack loved by many, but its tough, sharp hulls can aggravate diverticula and lead to discomfort. Similarly, corn and its fibrous husks are difficult to digest and can get trapped in the diverticula, causing inflammation. Opt for softer, low-fiber alternatives like cooked vegetables to provide essential nutrients without irritating your digestive system.


Here’s a closer look at these foods and their potential impact:

  1. Popcorn: Popcorn is a beloved snack enjoyed by many, but its tough and sharp hulls can be problematic for individuals with diverticulitis. These hulls can irritate the diverticula and lead to inflammation or even cause small tears in the intestinal lining. Moreover, popcorn is often consumed in large quantities, which increases the chances of the hulls getting trapped in the diverticula.
  2. Corn on the Cob: The fibrous husks of corn on the cob can be difficult to digest and can potentially cause discomfort for people with diverticulitis. Additionally, the kernels themselves, if not adequately chewed, may not be broken down completely during digestion, increasing the risk of irritation and inflammation in the diverticula.
  3. Canned Corn: While canned corn may not have the fibrous husks of corn on the cob, it’s still advisable to exercise caution. Canned corn is often processed and can contain added sugars, preservatives, or other ingredients that may not be well-tolerated by individuals with diverticulitis. It’s best to opt for freshly cooked or frozen corn, removing the husks and fibrous parts before consumption.
  4. Corn Tortillas: While corn tortillas are a staple in many cuisines, they can be problematic for those with diverticulitis. Corn tortillas are made from masa harina, a type of flour derived from corn. Although they are generally softer than popcorn or whole corn kernels, the high-fiber content in corn tortillas may still pose challenges for individuals with sensitive digestive systems.


During active diverticulitis episodes or flare-ups, it is best to avoid these corn-based products altogether. However, during periods of remission, when symptoms are under control, and with the guidance of a healthcare professional or registered dietitian, you may be able to reintroduce corn in small amounts or explore alternative options such as finely ground cornmeal or cornstarch-based products.



Fresh juicy delicious beef steak on a dark background

While lean meats can be part of a balanced diet, red meat, especially fatty cuts like beef and pork, can be challenging for people with diverticulitis. These meats are often harder to digest and can cause gastrointestinal distress. Instead, opt for lean proteins like poultry, fish, or plant-based alternatives like tofu or legumes to reduce the risk of exacerbating symptoms.


Here are some examples of red meats to avoid:

  1. Beef: Beef, especially fatty cuts, can be challenging for the digestive system to break down, potentially leading to discomfort and inflammation in individuals with diverticulitis. High-fat beef, such as ribeye or prime cuts, can be particularly problematic. It’s advisable to opt for leaner cuts like sirloin or tenderloin, and trim off any visible fat before cooking.
  2. Pork: Similar to beef, pork can be harder to digest, especially fatty cuts like pork belly or ribs. These cuts contain more saturated fat, which may contribute to gastrointestinal distress and exacerbate diverticulitis symptoms. Choosing leaner cuts like pork loin or tenderloin can be a better option for individuals with this condition.
  3. Processed Meats: Processed meats, such as sausages, hot dogs, bacon, and deli meats, are typically high in sodium and preservatives. They often contain additives like nitrates and nitrites, which can be irritating to the digestive system and potentially increase inflammation. These meats should be limited or avoided altogether, as they may trigger diverticulitis symptoms.
  4. Lamb: Lamb is another red meat that individuals with diverticulitis may want to approach with caution. Like beef and pork, fatty cuts of lamb can be harder to digest and potentially lead to discomfort. Opting for leaner cuts, such as lamb loin or leg, can be a better choice for those managing diverticulitis.


While red meat can be a source of essential nutrients like protein and iron, it’s important to balance its consumption with other dietary considerations, especially for individuals with diverticulitis. It’s advisable to focus on leaner cuts, avoid excessive fat, and consider alternative protein sources such as poultry, fish, or plant-based options like tofu or legumes to reduce the risk of triggering symptoms.



Spicy foods, such as hot peppers, chili powder, and curry, can trigger digestive discomfort in individuals with diverticulitis. These foods can cause irritation, inflammation, and increase the frequency and intensity of symptoms. It’s advisable to steer clear of spicy dishes and opt for milder seasonings or herbs to add flavor to your meals.


Here are some examples of spicy foods and seasonings to keep out of your diet:

  1. Hot Peppers: Varieties like jalapenos, habaneros, serranos, and cayenne peppers are known for their fiery heat. These peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, which can irritate the digestive system and potentially worsen diverticulitis symptoms. It’s best to avoid consuming them in their raw or cooked form.
  2. Chili Powder: Chili powder is a common ingredient in many spicy dishes, including chili con carne, curries, and Mexican cuisine. It typically contains a blend of ground dried chili peppers, cumin, garlic, and other spices. The heat from chili powder can trigger inflammation and discomfort in individuals with diverticulitis.
  3. Curry: Curry is a flavorful spice blend commonly used in Indian and Southeast Asian cuisines. It often contains a combination of spices like turmeric, cumin, coriander, and chili powder. While these spices can add a delicious kick to dishes, the presence of chili powder and other hot spices may aggravate diverticulitis symptoms.
  4. Salsa and Hot Sauce: Salsa and hot sauce can be delicious condiments to enhance the flavor of various dishes. However, they often contain hot peppers or chili powder as their primary ingredients, making them potential triggers for individuals with diverticulitis. It’s best to opt for milder alternatives or explore homemade versions with reduced spice levels.
  5. Spicy Marinades and Rubs: Many marinades and rubs for meat, poultry, or seafood contain spicy ingredients like hot peppers, chili powder, or cayenne pepper. These flavor enhancers can be problematic for individuals with diverticulitis, as they can cause inflammation and discomfort. Opt for milder seasonings or herbs to marinate or rub on your protein sources instead.


While some people with diverticulitis may tolerate spicy foods without issue, others may find that they exacerbate their symptoms. It’s essential to listen to your body and determine your personal tolerance. If spicy foods consistently cause discomfort or flare-ups, it’s advisable to reduce or avoid them altogether.

Instead of relying on heat and spice, explore other ways to flavor your meals, such as using herbs, mild seasonings, or alternative ingredients like ginger, garlic, or lemon juice, which can add depth to your dishes without causing digestive distress.




Refined grains like white bread, pasta, and sugary foods have little dietary fiber, which can contribute to constipation or irregular bowel movements, potentially worsening diverticulitis symptoms. Instead, choose whole grain alternatives like whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oats, which provide more fiber and support better digestive health.


Here are some examples of foods to be keep out of your diet:

  1. White Bread: White bread is a refined grain that has been stripped of its bran and germ, resulting in a lower fiber content. This can contribute to constipation or irregular bowel movements, potentially worsening diverticulitis symptoms. Opt for whole grain bread or alternatives like whole wheat, rye, or sprouted grain bread, which provide more fiber.
  2. White Rice: Similar to white bread, white rice is a refined grain that has been processed and stripped of its outer bran layer. It lacks the fiber and nutrients found in whole grains, which are essential for promoting healthy digestion. Consider choosing brown rice, quinoa, or other whole grains as healthier alternatives.
  3. Pasta: Traditional refined pasta made from white flour can be problematic for individuals with diverticulitis. Instead, opt for whole wheat or other whole grain pasta options, which contain more fiber and can support better digestive health.
  4. Sugary Foods: Foods high in added sugars, such as candies, pastries, sodas, and sweetened snacks, should be limited or avoided as they provide little nutritional value and can contribute to inflammation. Consuming excessive sugar can also disrupt the balance of gut bacteria and worsen digestive symptoms. Choose whole fruits as a healthier source of sweetness and opt for unsweetened alternatives whenever possible.
  5. Sweetened Breakfast Cereals: Many breakfast cereals marketed towards children or adults contain high amounts of added sugars. These cereals may lack the fiber and nutrients necessary for promoting digestive health. Look for cereals with minimal added sugars and high fiber content or consider homemade options like oatmeal or whole grain-based granolas.
  6. Packaged Snack Foods: Packaged snacks like cookies, cakes, chips, and crackers are often high in refined grains and added sugars, making them less suitable for individuals with diverticulitis. Instead, opt for whole food snacks like fresh fruits, vegetables, unsalted nuts, or homemade trail mix.


By reducing your intake of refined grains and sugary foods, you can support better gut health and minimize the risk of exacerbating diverticulitis symptoms. Focus on incorporating high-fiber whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods into your diet to promote optimal digestive function.

Remember, each person’s tolerance to specific foods may vary, so it’s important to listen to your body and make dietary choices that work best for you.



Waffle cones with coffee ice cream

While not everyone with diverticulitis needs to avoid dairy, some individuals may find that certain dairy products worsen their symptoms. High-fat dairy items like whole milk, cream, and cheese can be harder to digest, leading to discomfort and inflammation. Experiment with low-fat dairy options or consider alternative sources of calcium like fortified plant-based milk or leafy greens.


Here are some examples of dairy products not advised for those with diverticulitis:

  1. Full-Fat Dairy: Dairy products like whole milk, full-fat yogurt, and cream can be high in saturated fats. These fats are known to be harder to digest and may contribute to gastrointestinal discomfort, including symptoms associated with diverticulitis. Opt for low-fat or non-fat alternatives, such as skim milk, low-fat yogurt, or reduced-fat cheese options.
  2. Aged Cheeses: Aged cheeses like cheddar, Parmesan, and blue cheese tend to have a higher fat content and are more likely to trigger symptoms in individuals with diverticulitis. It’s best to consume these types of cheeses in moderation or choose lower-fat options like mozzarella or cottage cheese.
  3. Processed Dairy Products: Processed dairy products like processed cheese slices, cheese spreads, and cheese sauces often contain additional ingredients, such as artificial flavors, preservatives, and additives. These additives can potentially irritate the digestive system and worsen symptoms. Opt for natural, unprocessed dairy products whenever possible.
  4. Ice Cream: While ice cream is a popular treat, it’s typically high in added sugars and unhealthy fats. The combination of high fat and sugar content can lead to digestive discomfort for individuals with diverticulitis. Consider healthier alternatives like frozen yogurt, sorbet, or homemade fruit-based ice creams.
  5. Lactose-Containing Products: Lactose intolerance is a common condition where the body has difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in milk and dairy products. Some individuals with diverticulitis may also have lactose intolerance or sensitivity, which can lead to digestive issues. If you suspect lactose intolerance, opt for lactose-free or plant-based alternatives like almond milk, soy milk, or lactose-free yogurt.


It’s important to note that dairy tolerance can vary from person to person. While some individuals may experience symptoms with certain dairy products, others may tolerate them well. Experimenting with different dairy options and keeping a food diary can help identify specific triggers and guide dietary choices.

Incorporating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt with live cultures or fermented dairy products (if well-tolerated) can be beneficial for gut health. Probiotics can help support a healthy balance of gut bacteria, which may aid in managing symptoms of diverticulitis.



People with diverticulitis are advised to steer clear of processed foods due to several reasons. Firstly, processed foods tend to have low nutritional value as they are often stripped of natural nutrients during the manufacturing process. They are typically high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and added sugars while lacking essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This can hinder overall health and digestive function, potentially worsening diverticulitis symptoms. Additionally, processed foods are generally low in dietary fiber, which is crucial for maintaining regular bowel movements and promoting healthy digestion. A low-fiber diet increases the risk of constipation and the development of diverticula, which are small pouches that can become inflamed or infected in diverticulitis. Opting for whole, unprocessed foods ensures an adequate fiber intake to support proper bowel function.

Another reason to avoid processed foods is their high content of additives and preservatives. These additives, such as artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives, may have negative effects on gut health and can potentially trigger inflammation in individuals with diverticulitis. Moreover, processed foods can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, leading to dysbiosis, an imbalance of gut microorganisms. Dysbiosis is associated with increased inflammation and digestive problems. Choosing whole, unprocessed foods promotes a healthy gut microbiota, which is beneficial for individuals with diverticulitis.

Furthermore, processed foods often contain ingredients that can irritate the digestive system, including artificial additives, excessive sodium, trans fats, and high levels of refined sugars. These irritants can contribute to gastrointestinal distress, such as bloating, gas, and inflammation, thereby worsening diverticulitis symptoms. To manage diverticulitis effectively, it is advisable to opt for a diet based on whole foods. This includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. By focusing on natural, unprocessed foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, individuals with diverticulitis can provide their bodies with the necessary nutrients and support digestive health.


Here are some examples of processed snacks to avoid:

  1. Cookies and Baked Goods: Packaged cookies, cakes, pastries, and other baked goods often contain high levels of refined flour, added sugars, and unhealthy fats. These ingredients can disrupt digestion and potentially worsen diverticulitis symptoms. Instead, consider homemade alternatives using whole grain flours, natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, and healthier fats like coconut oil or avocado.
  2. Potato Chips and Pretzels: Packaged potato chips and pretzels are typically high in sodium, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives. These snacks provide little nutritional value and can contribute to inflammation. Instead, reach for healthier snack options like air-popped popcorn, roasted chickpeas, or homemade kale chips.
  3. Crackers: Many commercially available crackers are made from refined grains and often contain added sugars or unhealthy fats. These crackers can be low in fiber and may exacerbate digestive issues. Look for whole grain or seed-based crackers with minimal additives or consider making your own using whole grain flours or alternative ingredients like almond or coconut flour.
  4. Processed Cheese Snacks: Cheese snacks, such as cheese crackers, cheese puffs, or cheese-flavored chips, are often highly processed and can contain artificial ingredients, unhealthy fats, and excessive sodium. Opt for natural, unprocessed cheese slices or cubes as a healthier snack option.
  5. Sugary Granola Bars: Many pre-packaged granola bars are loaded with added sugars and can lack fiber. Read labels carefully and choose options with minimal added sugars and higher fiber content. Alternatively, consider making homemade granola bars using ingredients like oats, nuts, seeds, and natural sweeteners like dates or honey.
  6. Sugary Beverages: Sodas, fruit juices, sports drinks, and other sugary beverages should be limited or avoided. These drinks are typically high in added sugars and provide little nutritional value. Opt for water, herbal tea, or homemade fruit-infused water as healthier hydration choices.


Choosing whole food snacks over processed options can provide better nutritional value, support digestive health, and help manage diverticulitis symptoms. Fresh fruits, vegetables, unsalted nuts, seeds, and homemade trail mixes are excellent choices for satisfying cravings while nourishing your body.

Remember, it’s essential to read labels and make informed choices when selecting snack foods. Aim for options with minimal additives, added sugars, and unhealthy fats.




When managing diverticulitis, it’s essential to be mindful of your diet and identify foods that may trigger symptoms or exacerbate the condition. While the foods mentioned above are commonly associated with potential complications, it’s important to remember that each person’s triggers may vary. Consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian who can provide personalized dietary recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

By avoiding nuts and seeds, popcorn, corn, red meat, spicy foods, refined grains, and sugary foods, you can minimize the risk of triggering diverticulitis symptoms and support your gut health. Remember to focus on a well-balanced diet that includes high-fiber foods, plenty of fluids, and regular physical activity to promote a healthy digestive system overall.


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